BodyTalk and Intuitive Healing

BodyTalk stems from the idea that the body knows how to heal itself—and what the priority is. What’s unique to my practice is that I combine BodyTalk with other modalities, such as Life Coaching and intuitive healing.

My sessions are collaborative in nature, and you’ll play an active role during our time together. After a brief intake, where we discuss your health status and concerns, I will walk you through a neuromuscular biofeedback process to determine treatment prioritization. Then, we’ll get to the actual treatment, which usually involves tapping to increase communication within the body.

Your session may also include elements of energy healing, guided breathing, life coaching, and more. Each session is unique to every individual, based on what the body feels the priority is.

Note: My services are complementary to traditional medical care and are not a substitute for professional medical treatment.